En tommelfingerregel for, hvordan man modtager sin nye hund er 3-3-3 reglen, hvilket vil sige at de 1. 3 dage er hunden stresset og forvirret og har derfor brug for fuldstændig fred og ro .En rigtig god ide er at give hunden enten et bur den kan gemme sig i, med et tæppe hen over buret eller en hyggelig og trygt hjørne. Sørg for at mad og vand er i nærheden af hunden.De 1. 3 uger skal hunden finde sig til rette i sit nye hjem, det anbefales kun at gå små ture. introducere kun hunden til få mennesker og sørg altid for at lade hunde komme til gæsterne i sit eget tempo. De 1. 3 måneder finder hunden ud af at det nu er her den bor og finder tryghed og ro i sit nye hjem.

rigtig god fornøjelse.

A rule of thumb for how to receive your new dog is the 3-3-3 rule, which means that during the 1.3 days the dog is stressed and confused and therefore needs complete peace and quiet. A really good idea is to give the dog either a cage it can hide in, with a blanket over the cage or a cozy and safe corner. Make sure that food and water are close to the dog. For the first 3 weeks, the dog must settle in his new home, it is only recommended to go for short walks. introduce only the dog to a few people and always make sure to let dogs come to the guests at its own pace. The 1.3 months the dog finds out that this is where he lives now and finds security and peace in his new home. 

 Have fun.